
Communicating with an Ornery Mule

If you’ve had any experience with mules you know that there is a lot to communicate as you introduce new techniques and equipment.

If you’ve had any experience with mules you know that there is a lot to communicate as you introduce new techniques and equipment.

In this short clip from Steve Edward’s instructional DVD, Ear Shy Mule, he demonstrates how to communicate with an ornery mule. It is an intense process but knowing what you’re communicating and how to communicate will bring order to what could be a chaotic situation.

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    1 thought on “Communicating with an Ornery Mule”

    1. Bonny George, Jr.

      Thanks, Steve, for the tip about length/distance from the mule to communicate & correct. I noticed you also body-cross the lead rope to your far hand, set at your far hip. I understand the leverage idea, and it may help my terribly bad hands manage Zelda – as she turns to walk off (knowing I can’t really hold her). I’m also shorter/less weight than you…so holding my position as she pulls is an issue. I’ve been following the tips you employ and the comment to us a week or so back on your live chat. I really appreciate that info!! Any more suggestions? =)

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