
Importance of the Breast Collar

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When you’re looking to buy a mule breast collar you want to stay away from pulling collars – actually, you want to stay away from any collar that is solid rigged. 

What you do want to look for in a mule breast collar is a collar that fits the slope of the shoulder and doesn’t pull the saddle forward. Own a donkey? You want the same thing, too!

Steve Edwards from Queen Valley Mule Ranch explains the difference between using a solid rigged breast collar and a fluid breast collar in this video. 

He demonstrates the mule breast collar he designed which utilizes a 22″ pommel strap to allow the collar to move freely and prevent the saddle from moving forward every time the mule takes a step.

More About the Breast Collar

Mule rigged with breast collar article featured image

Proper Placement for the Breast Collar On the Mule and Donkey

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Steve's Breast Collars