
So You Want Steve to Help You Buy a Mule

There are a lot of folks who are looking to buying their first or their next mule or donkey and have questions. In this video, Steve Edwards addresses some common reasons for buying a mule or donkey and what he believes the most important step is before buying.

Steve Edwards: You hear how good they are, and how safe they are, and how easy they are to take care of, and that’s not all the truth.

Dave: We have a lot of folks who are out there looking to buy their first or their next mule or donkey. We got a lot of folks asking, Steve, can you help me buy that? Can you be the one that kind of connects me with the right mule or the right donkey to buy? My question is, can people contact you and have you help them buy a mule or donkey? What steps would you give them? Where would you point them along that process?

Steve Edwards: Here’s the problem with this, Dave, is people want to get a mule because they hear how good they are, and how safe they are, and how easy they are to take care of, and that’s not all the truth. The problem is, I don’t see, I don’t know them, I don’t know how they ride. They may tell me they ride 30 years, I don’t know the mule. The mule has probably been all over the mountains, and done hundreds of miles, yaddi-yaddi.

Steve Edwards: It’s important that number one, you get educated. You’re the rider, you’re the buyer of the mule, the donkey, you get educated before you buy and make the purchase. That way, that education will help you to be able to make the right purchase. I have from time to time had people say, “Hey Steve, I, I’m getting ready to buy this mule. Would you take a look at the pictures and stuff?” And I’ll look at the pictures. I’ll tell them what I feel can be some future problems.

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